Sunday, September 20, 2015

Being Healthy

                Because of a desire not to gain the freshman 15 and the fact that I’ve always wanted to get into the habit of exercising consistently I’ll be doing my experiment on being healthy through a good diet, exercising every day and going to bed and waking up at the same time. Studies show that good habits such as these can not only increase mood, but longevity as well. To do this I will attempt to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time as well, I will try to only eat healthy options at dining halls and in my dorm and I will try to exercise every day. I plan on going to bed each night at eleven and waking up at 7 then I will either go to the gym or go for a run. When eating I will only eat healthy things, which means mostly vegetables and meat with a little bit of grain. The experiment will be a challenge, I won’t be able to eat my favorite food, burritos, or stay out with my friends until two on the weekends. I really see the sleeping part and the consistent exercise part as my biggest humps to get over, it will be hard to stave off that late night Oreo craving, but getting up at seven and going to exercise will be rough and purposely excluding myself from going out with my friends past eleven will be even harder. To keep the experiment consistent I plan to reward myself for every time that I find it hard to get through it. When my friends are about to leave for a party instead I’ll go to my dorm and watch lost, my latest Netflix show, which I never have time to watch because I’m either doing homework or with my friends. When I don’t feel like exercising in the morning come back and take a long shower, which I really enjoy and find very relaxing. The problem with the food is that it will probably just have to be its own reward. I’m going to have to think of healthy snacks that I like and they will become my rewards. There is a possibility that this reward system will not work and then I will have to reevaluate my incentives and hopefully make them better.

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