Thursday, October 22, 2015

FIFA Research

                In my paper I would like to fill it with information on three things what FIFA is, the multiple scandals it has had and the players in that, and how the FBI has messed all of FIFA’s corruption up and just generally been awesome while also managing to strengthen my faith in the American legal system. While there has always been scandal surrounding FIFA there has never been proof until an American FIFA official named Chuck Blazer gave it all up. I plan to use Blazer’s claims in my paper. On top of this there have been a few authors on the NY Times who I have found who have been following the FIFA indictment story since the beginning named Stephanie Clifford, Matt Apuzzo, and William K. Rashbaum. All have a few stories on the investigation that will be helpful to my paper. I can also focus on FIFA’s biggest scandal, the Qatar scandal, which by conservative estimations will be the cause of over 4,000 deaths of Qatar migrant workers by 2022. There is also the incredible number of bribes that the FIFA executives have taken from biding nations to get their vote for the host World Cup nation. On top of that FIFA executives are huge idiots who have said and done a multitude of things worth talking about to make the story more interesting and funny like Chuck Blazer getting an apartment complex in Trump Tower for the use of his cat. Then there is the FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, he is a Swiss man who has allowed the corruption of FIFA to go on since he has been in office, which has been a very long time. Blatter has won almost every election under very shady circumstances that scream bribery. Finally I would like to talk about the role of the FBI and how they made the whole world a little bit happier that the United States is around, which is good considering that most of the world doesn’t like us very much. The FBI is in the process of taking the corruption out of FIFA and they are doing a good job of it. They are working on getting Blatter and once they get him that will be a huge step towards eliminating the corruption from FIFA.

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